Which climate rights does our law offer?

Which climate rights does our law offer?

13. Juni 2023

Global warming is progressing and leaving ever more obvious marks. Due to the hesitant action of decision-makers, individuals are resorting to legal means to push for climate protection measures. However, the general population is often unaware of their climate rights and asserting them requires legal expertise. Together with the environmental law network Justice and Environment, ÖKOBÜRO is aiming to increase awareness of climate rights through a series of events.
In recent years, civil society has increasingly attempted to drive climate action through strategic litigation. Together with legal experts from the Czech Republic, Estonia, and Austria, we will address whether there is awareness of climate rights, how rights are designed and how they can be enforced before the courts in CEE. All present experts are or were involved in the preparation of climate lawsuits and will present the respective national cases. Afterwards, they will be available for discussion.
The results of a survey conducted by ÖKOBÜRO on the topic of climate change adaptation and climate rights will also be presented at the event.
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/which-climate-rights-does-our-law-offer-tickets-549143391667

Contact: Veronika Marhold
ÖKOBÜRO – Alliance of the Environmental Movement

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