22. Oktober 2021
The Alpine Partnership for Local Climate Action (ALPACA) is based on the idea that municipalities and local authorities play a key role in climate protection and adaptation to climate change. Within ALPACA various organizations, such as climate and energy agencies, networks and researchers work together on the question: How can we support municipalities and local authorities and their partners in order to get political leaders, authorities, entrepreneurs and residents to act?
With this virtual workshop we want to enable an international, transdisciplinary exchange in the Alpine region on implementation barriers for local climate adaptation measures and how to overcome those barriers. We want to strengthen the dialogue among different regions, adding findings from the Austrian research project „GOAL - Governance of local climate adaptation“ and good practice examples from Austria, Germany, Italy and France that set the focus on climate change adaptation measures.
You can find the program here!
>> Registration: please register by October 15th 2021 at the latest!