"Integralead Essentials"-Workshopreihe 2: Structure & Rhythm – essential principles for working together with less effort

"Integralead Essentials"-Workshopreihe 2: Structure & Rhythm – essential principles for working together with less effort

8. April 2025

Integralead Essentials

Grassroots initiatives are a vital force for social change, contributing to the development of a more just and peaceful world. These initiatives must be empowered, skilled, and resilient to fulfill this potential. This workshop series is designed to elevate the capabilities of people with significant responsibility within their initiatives, enabling groups to achieve more sustainable and impactful outcomes.

Just the Facts

  • 5 online workshops on essential skills around leadership in grassroots contexts
  • Tuesdays, 18:00-20:30, starting April 1st, ending on April 29th
  • For people who take a lot of responsibility within their initiatives
  • A mix of training, reflection and peer-support

Session 1: Leadership – you can’t share what you don’t claim.

Session 2: Structure & Rhythm – essential principles for working together with less effort

Session 3: Empowering Others – Creating a developmental context

Session 4: Addressing Disagreement and Establishing a Feedback Culture

Session 5: Strategizing – plotting a clear path to enable effective collective action

Hier gibt es mehr Infos und die Möglichkeit sich anzumelden: https://civilaction.net/event/integralead-essentials

Meet our training facilitators!

Jan Horzela is a community organizer with many years of experience in facilitating group processes. In the years 2007-2015 he worked as an educator in Warsaw in a socio-therapeutic youth center for young people at risk of social exclusion. Since 2016, he has focused on creating spaces for social activation and supporting social movements through various projects using art, pedagogy and other approaches. To combine his knowledge in facilitation and political education, he co-founded the Civil Action Network. Over the years he’s found that challenges in groups often arise around questions of power and leadership. That’s why Jan is excited to share his experience in the frame of Integralead Essentials.

Jonas Gröner is a professionally trained and certified leadership coach, community-builder, and facilitator strongly committed to the regenerative paradigm. He’s been working in self-organized contexts from permaculture farms to start-ups, co-ops, and non-profits for the past 10 years and is passionate about supporting people with a vision for a world that works for all life, to find ways of putting that vision into action by cultivating resilient relationships, networks and communities. He sees that the world around us is becoming increasingly uncertain and that great leaders are those who can help others to act in the face of that uncertainty. That’s why he cares about supporting more people to develop these capacities.

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